This project was set up by b_w_johan to provide an all-in-one bot available to all Risk Discord servers and Risk Twitch channels to reach as much players and tournament staff at the most convenient place.

What is it, a centralised place to get information about Risk tournaments, scores, statistics, calendars for all kinds of Risk Tournaments, mapsettings and share this with an easy accessible API so other bots / servers / platforms can access this data as well.

Why?! Well, I've build a bot for my own tournament and then started adding features to it, just putting stuff together making it work(wich became messy and well read only for me), then I was planning to rewrite from scratch keeping a structured project which should make it easy to get add-ons for as other developers might join. And that actually happened since Plazmafield showed interest.

How? The sourcecode for the bot will be available so you can build and run it yourself, or you could invite the bot to join your server, giving the bot specific roles/permissions to run specified features. If you run a project/bot yourself and want to get access to the collected data you can get an API key and get full acces to either read only or read/write/update (you will have to use the actual bot to use create/delete in the database). On abuse access will be temporarily revoked.

Sounds expensive? Not at all, project is done in free time, hosted on a free platform, only the bot itself is run on a private server since sourceforge doesn't permit us to run the code on their services. If you want to contribute feel free to leave some feedback to this project with either giving us some stars/review and/or give suggestions via ticketsystem we appreciate feature requests and or bugreports and other comments!