Some information about the tournaments
Players can sign up in chat for it by saying for example want to play or lets do it.
Brackets will be created in a certain way based on the sign ups. Like 10 sign ups is first week knock out then second round is group stage. This is to avoid a certain advantage for any player to skip a round etc.
The settings will be chosen by sended settings from the participants or outside of it.
2v2 / 3as
Players can sign up in a specific chat.
Teammates will be randomly chosen with a wheel. Max 3 teammates for each team.
Settings will be chosen by Sam
This can be kill your partner or 2v2 assassins for example
This will be a 4 or 5 week tournament depending on the sign ups.
The sign ups will be done with a sign up format.
With some fun and lovely settings which may be known from other tournaments.
Assassins, Arco settings on River Town and more as possible settings.